Climate efficient logistics solutions
The climate issue is of great importance for companies in the transport industry, as well as for Thor Shipping. As a freight forwarder, shipowner and ship broker, our responsibility for our business’ impact on the environment is something we actively want to work with in order to constantly improve both our own business but also the environment around us.
We care about the environment
The biggest identified risk and our most obvious opportunity for improvement is to work on the company’s emission values. As a service company in the transport industry, we contribute CO2 gases through the goods we transport daily, which we want to reduce through our sustainability and environmental work until they do not exist. Our transports can be divided into two categories, internally booked through scheduled traffic and externally via other hauliers and carriers – for which we have different strategies.
Thor Shipping´s environmental policy
Through performed risk analysis and taking into account the challenges of the logistics industry, we have set the following environmental goals:
- Fossil-free land transport
- Emissions per tonne-kilometre
Climate-compensated trave